Rural Services

We carry out all aspects of rural services including:
1. Landlord and Tenant negotiations
David Butler, a Recommended Agent for the Scottish Tenant Farmers Association, is experienced in all aspects of Landlord and Tenant. These negotiations can be a great cause of concern and stress to both Landlords and Tenants, and it is in your interest to seek professional advice in good time and in early course.
Acting for both Landlords and Tenants, Butler Land Management Ltd have expertise in:-
- Landlord and Tenants improvements
- Landlord and Tenants fixtures
- Landlord and Tenants dilapidation
- Tenant Succession Rights
- Rent Review procedures Landlord or Tenant
- Tenants In-going Valuation
- Tenants Out-going Valuation
- Tenant Pre-emptive Right to Buy
- Detail of Lease preparation, detail of the Agricultural Holding (Scotland) Act 1991 and Agricultural Holdings (Scotland) Act 2003 as well as previous legislation and amendments
2. Planning
Due to the current Planning Legislation, Planning Applications are often a lengthy process which includes surveying, preparing plans, and negotiations with statutory and other consultees. Butler Land Management Ltd have the facilities to guide you through the planning process, from the selection of the best-suited site to discussions with the Planning Authority.
Our work in this sector includes:-
- Labour Profiles for agricultural justification of planning application
- Percolation Tests and design of drainage and soak-away systems for Planning Consent
- Promoting sites to the Local Authority for consideration for the Development Plan
- Acting on behalf of a client for a full Application or Application in Principle
- Drawing Plans
- Surveying/Topographical Surveys
- Deed Plans
We are a licence holder of the Ordnance Survey mapping programme, Promap, which enables us to download any area in the United Kingdom to any scale as well as having ARC GIS and other mapping facilities.
3. Grants and Subsidies
Grants and Subsidies are quite complex with the majority of the Schemes are completed on-line. Butler Land Management Ltd offer help and guidance. Careful and concise applications are paramount to success.
- Estate/Farm Management
- Telecommunications
- Budget and Cash Flows
- Farm and Estate Planning
- Farm and Estate Budgeting
We specialize in the current Grant Scheme, The Scottish Rural Development Programme (Rural Priorities). This is an opportunity for farmers and landowners to take advantage of the Government’s funding mechanism to help achieve the national goals.
The latest version of the Single Application Form (SAF) has proven to be difficult. We are here to help you achieve your subsidy without the hassle and aggravation that most farmers do not have the time to contend with. Not only do we understand the process, but we also obtain updates from SGRPID ensuring that you are aware of any changes. We are also able to help with the Land Management Options/Contracts, LFASS and The Scottish Beef Calf Scheme.